I am a social scientist and statistician. Much of my research is on social influence that is mediated, amplified, or directed by interactive technologies. The design of new interactions, interventions, and methods is sometimes both a means and an end.

I am a member of the MIT Sloan School of Management faculty, in the Marketing group. I am affiliated with the Institute for Data, Systems & Society, including its Statistics and Data Science Center, and the Initiative on the Digital Economy.

The principal subjects of my research are

  1. social interactions and influence through communication technologies
  2. 怎么买梯子 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-1-14 · A:很遗憾,没有。原理我伊已经进行了说明,我伊只是帮用户购买国外VPS服务器,创建SS账号而已。我伊利用我伊在网络上学习到的技术,帮助大家而已。我伊也会将这个创建SS账号的技术分享出来。动手能力强的,可伍自己操作。
  3. applied statistics, experimental design, machine learning, and causal inference, especially for 1 and 2

Within these areas, I have worked on peer effects in networks, the spread of rumors and (mis)information, design of experiments in networks, evaluating high-dimensional methods for observational causal inference, tools for running online experiments (e.g., PlanOut), mobile persuasive technologies, self-disclosure and sharing behaviors, 网络梯子购买, and persuasion profiling.

Before joining MIT, I worked on the Facebook Core Data Science Team. I completed my PhD at Stanford University in 2012, advised by Clifford Nass. I was previously a research scientist at Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto. Before joining Nokia, I worked with BJ Fogg on research in mobile persuasive technologies in the 云服务器上手教程_网络_尾尾部落-CSDN博客:2021-7-5 · 云服务器,相当于一台24小时不关机,还有公网IP(从任何地方都可伍访问,只要有网络)的电脑! 搭建个人网站、web项目等 放一些需要24小时工作的脚本,比如爬虫 搭科学上网的梯子(海外的服务器可伍) 学习Linux等 推荐购买digitalocean and worked at Yahoo! Research Berkeley, creating and studying location-aware mobile photo sharing apps (in 2005 and 2006).

I try to use Twitter (@deaneckles) and, less often, 网络梯子购买 to share ideas and report on research in a more immediate and informal way than scholarly publications.

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